In order to get physically fit,you should follow a healthy diet and maintain training through the year.
If you want to build muscle, protein is very important. Adults should eat 0.75g of protein per kilogram of body-weight.You must have in mind that if you are exercising and weight training regularly, you should increase the amount of protein you eat, to help aid muscle recovery and growth.
If your aim is to build muscle, you should be looking to eat around 1.4g of protein per kilogram of bodyweight. It can be difficult to meet your protein intake goals from food alone, and this is where protein powder can be the perfect addition to your diet.
Creatine increases the muscle size as well as increasing overall strength and energy levels. It is great for people who perform exercises which involve short bursts of high intensity activity, such as weight lifting or sprinting.
Creatine is a great supplement to take either pre or post workout, and can be easily mixed into your protein shake or taken on its own. To achieve the benefits of supplementing with creatine, I would recommend taking 5g a day, after a loading week of taking 20g a day.
Branched chain amino acids (BCCAs) are the essential building blocks of muscle. BCAAs help the body maintain muscle mass by preventing a process known as catabolism.
You must have a schedule and stick to it during the year. There will inevitably be days when your energy levels are low and you do not feel like working out.
If you are weight training regularly, you will be breaking down muscle fibres. Protein contributes to muscle growth and repair. When you sleep, you go for a number of hours without eating anything.
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